WordPress - simple tool for great things

! WordPress – simple tool for great things

Websites based on WordPress

According to worldwide statistics almost 30% of 10 millions the most visited websites are based on WordPress. It’s the most popular and the fastest growing up CMS (Content Management System) in the world. This year, for the 7th time in a row, WordPress won award for the best CMS beating up similar solutions like Joomla or Drupal. 17 posts are published on blogs based on WordPress every second, over 500 websites are developed every day and phrase “WordPress” is searched for 37 million times in Google every month.


What exactly is WordPress?

As it was mentioned before, WordPress is a content management system. It means that user is able to edit content on the website from administration panel. Whole backend was written in PHP and works on GPL licence (free and open software). First version was presented in 2003 known as WordPress 0.7. Every next WordPress version has code name alluding to famous jazz musicians (for example 2.0 has code name “Duke” in honor to Edward “Duke” Ellington).


Why WordPress?

The power of WordPress is community, ready-made themes and plugins allowing to add  almost every functionality you can only imagine. If anyone without any knowledge of programming looked for tool to do very simple website with content management, WordPress would be perfect for him. Almost everything user can do with drag and drop and personalize it to a certain extent. Having any knowledge or experience with programming we are able to do more advanced things like create own theme, add custom functionalities but still base on WordPress administration panel. Another advantage is that these websites are cheap and really fast to be done but they don’t stand up to professional services written from scratch by programmers teams.


WordPress == blog?

WordPress was created mainly for blogging, but today we can create almost everything in it. More advanced personalization require knowledge in programming and experience in creating this type of services. The most famous websites made in WordPress are The Walt Disney Company, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Canadian magazine “Global News” or The White House. Based on WordPress we can also are able to create online shop using tools like WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, Tradematik or Jigoshop. It’s easy to see that in WordPress we can do almost everything.


Of course WordPress seems to be very easy tool, but the amount of possibilities can overwhelm the average user. In vulpo! we specialize among others in creating websites based on WordPress. We create custom themes and plugins, but we are also experienced with modifying ready-made solutions. Do you want to start blogging, promote your company, add online sales of your products or you have great idea for innovate website but you don’t know how to begin? Contact with us!