
Websites based on WordPress

According to worldwide statistics almost 30% of 10 millions the most visited websites are based on WordPress. It’s the most popular and the fastest growing up CMS (Content Management System) in the world. This year, for the 7th time in a row, WordPress won award for the best CMS beating up similar solutions like Joomla or Drupal. 17 posts are published on blogs based on WordPress every second, over 500 websites are developed every day and phrase “WordPress” is searched for 37 million times in Google every month.
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How to appear in search results

When running a blog, online store or a company website promoting certain products and services we offer, we want to reach the largest possible audience. The more unique users enter on our sites, the more potential customers or regular visitors you have, the better chances for better earnings you have. The times when all marketing activities of big companies were based on the rubbish bought in the newspaper are over. Today, the key to success is high position in Google search results or other search engines.

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Simple website based on WordPress

Just few years ago, the quality of websites wasn’t the greatest comparing to today’s standards. To find it out check Wayback Machine. Realities have changed a lot, technology is proceeding at an alarming pace. Today, we have such tools that even laymen who have no idea about the prevailing trends or programming, can create nice looking websites. Concepts such as “Drag and Drop” or “Website Builder” are no longer alien to anyone. WordPress, along with its extensions, made creating websites even simpler.

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Laravel Framework

While learning any programming language always comes a moment in which everyone asks the same question, “what next?”. Unfortunately, there is no unambiguous answer to this question, because everything really depends on what would you like to do in future. In the case of PHP, the most reasonable step will be to learn its frameworks, because these are its strengths. And here comes the next question, which one should you choose?


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Single Page Application

Technologies used to create and improve internet applications growing up so dynamically that what’s modern today, tomorrow can be outdated. SPA was created years ago but now programmers still use it to develop modern applications. But what exactly is SPA?  It’s an acronym of “Single Page Application”. Often it’s wrongly interpreted as “One Page” websites and both sounds similar but they are completely different concepts.


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